Electrical Grid Engineering, Analysis and Modelling (Micro-credential)

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Start Date: 07 October 2024
Time: 16:00 – 18:00
Duration: 10 weeks
Mode of Delivery: Live classes online (Zoom)

Course Overview

Explore the intricacies of electrical power system design with our comprehensive module, designed to elevate your foundational knowledge. Through online live lectures and interactive tutorials, students will gain a solid understanding of grid engineering. Taking a step by step approach, through a blend of theoretical insights and practical examples this module deals with the specifics of electrical power system design, analysis, and modelling. Specifically designed for engineers, this module begins with a review of basic concepts and gradually progresses into more advanced topics. Upon completion, participants will emerge well-versed in the complexities of electrical grid development, equipped with the practical skills and theoretical insights essential in power systems.

This microcredential will equip professionals with the knowledge and skills needed to navigate the evolving energy landscape, making them invaluable assets in the pursuit of sustainable and efficient energy solutions.

Basic concepts: Complex numbers and phasors in electrical engineering. Active and reactive power. Reactive power compensation. Per phase analysis of three phase systems. Per unit system. Method of symmetrical components. AC power transmission.

System components: Steady-state operation and equivalent circuit models of transformer, alternator, synchronous machine, asynchronous machine, and transmission lines.

Power flow analysis: Power flow equations for multi-bus systems. Solution of power flow equations by numerical methods. Application of power flow analysis to selected systems.

Short circuit calculations: Analysis of power systems under symmetric and asymmetric short circuit conditions.

Extension of techniques to large multi-bus systems: Application of method of symmetrical components to analysis of asymmetric faults in power systems.

Power system protection: Principles of power system protection, components of power system protection systems.

Learning Outcomes

On completion of this module the student should be able to:
Compute values of impedance, inductance, capacitance, active and reactive power, power factor, and phase angle of voltage and current.
Compute the amount of capacitance needed to correct the power factor of a three-phase load.
Calculate values of voltage, current, and turns for single-phase transformers.
Have a basic understanding of power system modeling and operation.
Calculate the power flow for simple power systems using analytic and numerical methods.
Understand the per phase analysis, per unit system, the method of symmetrical components.
Understand the steady-state operation of transformers and electric machines.
Analyse power systems under short circuit conditions.
Understand and explain the underlying principles of protection systems employed in power systems.
The module will be composed of online Zoom based lectures, live tutorial sessions and assessment components. Powerworld. https://www.powerworld.com/ will be utilised for the power system simulation and analysis components.

Who Should Apply

Engineering Professionals in the energy sector who wish to understand more about grid operation.
Engineering Graduates pursuing careers in the energy sector.
Candidate Eligibility

Applications are welcome from those who hold a degree in a relevant subject area, and/or have significant, relevant experience in the energy sector.
Applicants must hold a degree in a relevant subject area (engineering), NFQ Level 8 degree with a GPA of 3.08
Applications will also be accepted from those with significant, relevant, practical experience with good numeracy skills or those with a graduate qualification relevant to the micro-credential.
Applicants whose first language is not English must demonstrate proof of English proficiency as per UCD’s minimum English language requirements.
All applications are assessed on a case-by-case basis.