Date: Friday 14th of January 2022
Time: 10:30 – 12:00
Venue: Online
Course Overview
The Maritime Area Planning Bill (Act) 2021 provides for the establishment of a comprehensive framework for the regulation of the use and occupation of the maritime area, including, the establishment of the Maritime Area Regulatory Authority (MARA) who will be responsible for the management and enforcement of the new regime. The Bill (Act) makes provision for spatial planning, State consent for the use and occupation of parts of the Maritime area (MACs and Licences), and the procedure for obtaining associated planning and environmental approval. The Bill (Act) also includes specific interim arrangements permitting the Minister for Environment, Climate and Communications to issue MACs for certain offshore renewable energy projects (Phase 1 Projects) in the immediate term pending the establishment of the MARA. The course will provide an overview of this new framework with a particular focus and how it will apply to offshore renewable wind development.
Course Objectives and Learning Outcomes:
Provide an overview of the new regulatory framework established by the Bill (Act);
Address issues of particular relevance to offshore wind developers, including:
the interim arrangements for Phase 1 Projects;
structure for the consenting of Phase 2 and future projects;
licencing for marine surveys and site investigations.
A better understanding of the nature of the new regulatory framework and what it means for ORE development in the immediate and longer term.
Who should attend:
Anyone with an interest in the use and management of our maritime area, in particular, existing and prospective offshore wind developers as well as professional advisers advising on, and supporting, development within the maritime area.
Course Content:
Overview of the structure of the Bill (Act)
Maritime Area Spatial Planning
Functions of the Maritime Area Regulatory Authority
Maritime Area Consent
Application Process
Assessment criteria
Conditions Attaching to a MAC
MACs for Phase 1 Projects
Future Phases and competitive processes
Activities for which a licence is required
Exempted uses/activities
Licencing of activities pending the establishment of MARA
Planning and Environmental Consent
Who to apply to – planning authority or An Bord Pleanála?
MAC as a pre-condition to submitting an application
An overview of the application process
Next steps
Secondary Legislation
Establishment of the MARA
About the trainer:
Stuart Conaty is a senior associate in Beauchamps LLP award winning Energy & Natural Resources team. His specialities include planning and environmental law, energy law, construction law and contract negotiations. He advises energy developers, renewable energy developers, including several prominent offshore wind developers and advised Wind Energy Ireland on its submissions on the draft MAP Bill during its passage through the Oireachtas.
Stuart joined Beauchamps in September 2020 from Bord na Móna plc where he spent the previous five years providing legal support across the company’s diverse business operations including, thermal generation, wind farm development and solar PV.